Conference registration is now CLOSED. Download the full conference programme here
ZIA’s 2024 conference, held at Perth WA, was another resounding success. With a record attendance of 169 delegates from 25 countries representing 97 organisations, this was the largest ever annual gathering of the zircon / zirconia / zirconium value chains.
The next ZIA Annual Conference will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam from 20 – 22 May 2025. Further information will be available via the ZIA website in early 2025.
On behalf of the ZIA, Dr Keven Harlow, says:
“Our 2024 conference was an unprecedented success in so many ways: a record number of registrations, two days of unparalleled mine site visits, world class presentations and a networking opportunity like no other. ZIA's annual conference truly is ' the heartbeat of the industry '. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to our next annual conference in May 2025”
We do not publish conference proceedings - only ZIA Members and event delegates benefit from the content of the conference and the presentations.
Offering latest news updates, information on interesting uses of zircon and its derivatives or promoting events, ZIA aims to communicate the benefits of zircon and offer guidance on industry best practice.